side4linux,a simple integrated development
the MC-1 CPU via the B2term program to check out the Serial Link. Purpose: Test
the Machine
Controller MC-1, Central Processing Unit's ability to communicate with
the controlling computer using a graphical interface.
Requirements: Make
sure that the latest help packages
are installed.
Further Requirements:
You will need to
observe CMOS handling procedures to prevent static electricity damage
during testing.
You will need the
completed MC-1 CPU board, the MC-1 Programmer and power supply.
If you have a sixteen pin Auxiliary
Port you
will need to attach the ground fly lead from the MC-1 Programmer to the ground pad in any
corner of the MC-1 CPU.
You will need to
connect the Serial ribbon cable between the 'Serial-0' port of
the MC-1 CPU and your computer (Refer to Demo-9).
You will be needing
'Sudo' rights at different stages.
You must have just
completed Demo-9 successfully!
No cable should be plugged into the
Serial-1 Port on the MC-1 CPU board during programming at any time!
Pre-Requisites: Presumes you have a basic
understanding of serial communications and do Demo-/3/4/5/6/7/8/9
first. It will pay to read the MANUAL
and this paper on SERIAL communications
as well.
Preamble: This is the
graphical communication testing practical for the MC-1 CPU Board, it
tests the
Serial port of your computer and the MC-1 CPU using the graphical
communication program provided.
Step-1: Open the Hello Project.
a first step, connect
up all the cables as used in Practical-9 and switch the computer on and
then switch the power supply on.Your computer
should be still operating normally!
Set your preferences to the Serial port you have used, either '0' for
the first serial port or '1' for the second with
Bring up the side4linux IDE on your
computer and open the test project's 'hello.prf' file, /SIDE/PRODUCTS/MC1/AVRA/Hello/hello.prf
using 'Project>Open Project'
from the Main Menu as follows,
Fig-1 Open Hello Project Dialog
OK, now that you have programmed your MC-1 CPU with the 'Hello' program
( Demo-9 ) you can now open the 'b2term' program to communicate with
your AVR chip!
Launch the serial graphical communication program as 'Tools>AVRA>AVR MONITOR', you
should be greeted by 'sudo's' password dialog similar to the graphic
Fig-2 Sudo Dialog Box.
using your normal password that you signed on with and on clicking the
Continue' button you should now have the 'b2term' screen up on your
display. If you cannot sign on then perhaps you need to re-read this section
on setting Linux user permissions.
Now to set up access to your serial port, click on the 'SetSerial'
button and you should be greeted with the message as follows,
Fig-3 b2term sign on screen.
Notice that there are three windows,
Input messages from the MC-1 CPU.
Output messages from the 'b2term' program.
User command entry box for special commands to send to the
Notice also that there are three buttons at the bottom,
Send command currently in the entry box ( Window-3 ).
Clear the entry box.
Send the 'reset' command to the MC-1 CPU.
Step-2: Reset 'b2term' to look for the 'sign-on
Click on the 'Reset' button with the left button
of your mouse. You should see a 'MC-1 Ver 7.0
- Hello World!' message from the MC-1 CPU
each time you do this as you are toggling the 'Reset' line via the MC-1
Programmer pcb.
Do not try sending the commands listed via the entry box because you
will not get an answer! This will need to wait until we put a 'real'
program on-board the MC-1 CPU to reply!
Congratulations if you have
got this far as this is the end of Demo-10! In
Demo-11 We
will complete an
interface board to drive some bipolar stepper motors.
We will provide other demos as 'side4linux' develops to
cover integration into a real world machine